Sweet Ride USA

My web series about riding bikes and eating desserts.

Steve Isaacs
2 min readMar 23, 2014

A few years ago, I fell in love with the bike culture of Los Angeles which led to the creation of my dream project, Sweet Ride USA. Every day here in LA, you can find a group bicycle ride for just about any reason — fast “roadie” rides, night time adventure rides, fixed-gear party rides or city discovery rides. Turns out a lot of these random trips begin and end at donut shops. Being a life-long dessert addict, the combination of exploring your city by bike while searching for its best desserts (and burning off all the calories in the process) seemed like a great idea for a show.


My friend and documentary filmmaker Debra Matlock loved the idea, so we partnered up and got started. The whole thing is homemade — Debra and I collaborated on the show concepts, she edited the show and I was the host, did the graphic design, branding, the website and all the socials. I also wrote and sang the theme song, too. That’s not to say we do it all — we have some awesome friends who help out whenever they can, too.

The plan was get Sweet Ride USA on TV or to partner up with a great online content network to ultimately travel the whole damn planet to meet the world’s great bicycle communities — while going to town on their donuts in the process, of course.

You can check out an episode, or more on the site. We wanted to make something everybody — not just bike people — could enjoy.

Here’s Sweet Ride USA Episode 2

We Got Press!

Bicycling Magazine featured us in an eight-page photo spread documenting the filming of Episode 3.




Steve Isaacs

Freelance Creative Director and Illustrator. Cinephile: A Card Game coming this August on Clarkson Potter Publishers. steveisaacs.com